Renny BA's Blog Wins Coveted Web Award
I am very happy to announce that Renny, my Norwegian friend, with a swell blog about the beauty and wonders of Nordic Norway, is a Blogs of Summer - 2006 winner.
This distinction comes from Bloggin Outloud. Renny placed first in one of the "Random Blog" categories.
Check out Renny's blog; you'll enjoy the pictures of his lovely country, as well as the history and folklore of the villages and regions he visits. The link is to the right in the link column.
Woow Buddy, how nice, sweet and kind of you to make this post. I feel honoured my dear friend!
It was a great experience for me to see that many people who liked to see and read about my daily life and I’ve got a bunch of new blog friends. You was one of my first – I’ll never forget that:-)
Btw: you are of course on my blogrool!
You are welcome, my friend. It's an award you truly deserve.
Thanks for your friendship.
Enjoyed meeting Renny and making a new friend...Glad everyone had fun with the Blogs of Summer linkfest. lgp
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